Friday, August 5, 2011

SP5, 2011 INFS 5067 week1-2


KEY POINTS – importance of teamwork. Desirables for employability. Benefits of ‘ice-breakers’. Importance of communication. Importance of knowing yourself, and emotional intelligence.

CONTENT & DELIVERY OF KEY POINTS – Power point presentation communicated points well. Some graphics small and difficult to read. All information pertinent.


The key points raised are all relevant to working in a team (which is what we are doing on a project), and to readying oneself for employment.


KEY POINTS – think about your strengths, what employers are looking for in future staff members, and how you can make yourself an attractive employment prospect. Create the impression you know what you want and why you want it. Practice saying things out loud, and believe what you say.

CONTENT & DELIVERY OF KEY POINTS – Well structured power point. Clear and easy to follow. Content all relevant

HOW DOES CONTENT APPLY TO CONTEXT? – Particularly important information for students entering the workplace for the first time. As someone who has been working for some time, I was interested to feel the dynamic required if you are preparing to enter the workplace. I also think the act of saying things out loud, and creating the impression you know what you want is something I can use in the future.


KEY POINTS – RACI matrix and six sigma approach to scope management. Progress reports . Project initiation and what the project wants to achieve.

CONTENT & DELIVERY OF KEY POINTS – very useful practical knowledge for working on project

HOW DOES CONTENT APPLY TO CONTEXT? – Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed. RACI matrix great communication tool. Weblink to scope definition seems to have been incorrect.


Week 1

Snookles youtube, working together in a new environment. Need to get to know each other, and our strengths and different ways of going about things if we wnt to get the most out of each other. What may be a deficit/danger in some situations (fiery breath) can be an asset in others.

Personal portfolio:

Preferred name: Michelle

3 personal characteristics: Optimistic, empathetic, good listener

Favourite movie: Ladyhawke, Ever After, Pride & Prejudice (BBC production)

Favourite food & drink: Earl Grey Tea, pain aux raisins

Best team work experience: the work environment as a nurse, all working together to provide the best possible patient care

Worst team work experience: can’t recall, but can comment on the enormous impact one toxic individual can have within a team

Behaviours & attitudes that will guarantee unpleasant, ineffective teamwork:

Gossip, poor communication, disrespect, bullying, incompetence, pretending to know something when you don’t, poor work attendance, poor work performance, poor work attitude.

5 things I would like in a team agreement:

Respect one another. Listen. Communicate everything to everyone. Put in an honest effort. The work environment is open to hearing about mistakes/problems. Code of conduct.

Week 2

Lecture activities:

Brainstorm a list of employer requirements – think about technical, generic and personal criteria

Qualified, competent, experienced staff. Team players, ‘fit’ with organisational culture. Reliable, adaptable, quick learner, creative, problem solver, good people and communication skills.

In small groups discuss handout on ‘Career Decisions and Options’

Did not receive handout

Personal Commercial:

  • Hello my name is Michelle
  • My country of origin is Australia
  • I am studying Librarianship because I chose it as an alternative career to nursing, and I enjoy the variety and challenge it presents. I will graduate in 2012
  • The type of work I would like to do is in the area of working with the collection at my current workplace
  • Ideally, I would like to work in Australia
  • I think my key strengths are communication, reliability, optimism, willingness to try different approaches and involve different people in projects.
  • When I graduate my career plan is to gain a permanent position at my current workplace, and gain knowledge about the collection.