Sunday, February 15, 2009

week 14: social networks ...infinity and beyond...

(borrowed avatar: seadryke)

This site is fantastic. Using lots of different applications to appeal to clients with diferent tastes, using Zoolander as a cool way to talk about when you don't read so good, publishing client contribution.
I think using these principles, and chiefly remainiing up to date with and using whatever eworld innovations are available. Libraries in second life! We need to remain involved with our cyber, second life, face to face community.

week 13: online applications and tools

In your blog, consider the possible applications for Google Docs in your work.
I discussed Google Docs with my colleagues. I have recently set up an iTunes account, and they advertise Mobilme, a cybercloud which enables subscribers to keep all electronic data in the cloud - not on a usb/laptop/hard drive. I had thought - there must be a way around this, I am not willing to pay a subscription for this service. And voila - googledocs. Of course, all of my colleagues had heard of it, and often recommend it t our clients as an alternative method of saving information. I explained it to Dad, who is planning to go to France, and maybe do some distance education. This will be perfect for him.

The collaboration aspect of this application would make it invaluable for a project requiring the contribution of multiple individuals. As already stated, this is a great tool for clients, as a method of saving information which they are then able to retrieve at a location outside the library.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

what could we do with a mashup?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Bush shoe-throwing meme
In internet land, yesterday's news is today's viral web hit, especially when it involves a chance to poke fun at US President George Bush.
Within hours of the now infamous shoe-throwing incident - or "shoegate", as it was inevitably labelled - online hoons began remixing the footage into funny animated images and at least two online games.
Full story here: Bush shoe throwing footage goes viral
This item got me to thinking about how transient, changing and of the moment our information seeking society is.
We need to provide a service to meet that culture.
We need to provide services that are fun, witty, topical, engaging and innovative.
What shape that takes, I cannot say.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Monday, February 2, 2009


Blog about how your library could use podcasts for your clients and staff.
This really is a case of something being as big as you want it to be.
The trick I think will be making sure that content is relevant, interesting and stimulating. Also that there is a logic to the labelling of the podcasts. Also that enough time and resources are allocated to the task. Also that the service is publicised and well explained.
We talk about the eworld, and engaging the users of that world, I think we need to think about ensuring that those unfamiliar with the eworld know that there is a place of support and encouragement (SLNSW) that will enable engagement of all users, novice and experienced.
A lot of talking, but once the piece starts, intriguing and somehow hypnotic. (from ABC ClassicFM).
On a personal note, I love podcasts, and so far have only used iTunesU, which has lectures etc. from universities on any number of subjects.